Smartipresence + Fighting Robot Expansion Pack

Regular price £25.00
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Stay closer to the people you can't be close to using the Smartipresence telepresence robot, or take your Smartibot into battle by turning it into a fighting robot.

All the parts you need to convert a Smartibot kit onto a Smartipresence telepresence robot or a fighting robot with a flipper.


Smartipresence is a robot body for your phone. Whether you are on a video call with a loved one or a colleague with Smartipresence have the ability to move around for themselves. It’s as close as you can get to teleportation (at least by putting something together out of cardboard). Just slot in your phone and decide who you want to invite over. The 'pilot' (aka person on the screen) can move forwards and backwards, turn and look up and down. Comes with 10 hours of calls using the Smartipresence system, get additional 10 hour blocks for £5 each.

The kit also includes parts to turn your Smartibot kit into a fighting robot (just like you've seen on TV in Robot Wars or BattleBots) with a powerful flipper for turning over your opponents. Stickers to decorate your fighting bot are also included!

Photo of two cardboard robots with flippers, covered with decorative stickers featuring checker patterns, roundels, sharks eyes and teeth and hazard warning markings.

NOTE: In addition to the parts in this expansion pack the parts from a Smartibot kit are also required to build either of the robots shown