Smartibot Kit

Regular price $79.00
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Everything you need to build a Smartibot, A.I. enabled, cardboard robot. The robot can be controlled by the free Smartibot app, or you can attach your smartphone to the robot and use the A.I. to make the robot chase objects like people, pets or types of vehicle.

The kit also includes cardboard parts to build two other robots – Teabot, a useful little flatbed that can carry things, including two drinks; and Unicorn which is a unicorn!

Re-use the kit parts to make a robot out of anything from household items to plastic bricks to potatoes. Visit our Projects section for ideas and, if you like 3D printing, check out designs to download on Thingiverse

Works with the Smartibot app on iOS and Android. Smartibot is also programmable, using a visual blocks editor and JavaScript, with the Espruino platform.

UK items are delivered in 2 to 4 days and everywhere else in 10 to 14 days.

Requires 4 x AA batteries (ideally rechargeable), not included. This kit contains small components, keep out of reach of young children.

Animated gif showing A.I. bot assembly and chasing a model car and a dog